Send online content to your Kindle
in one click
Easy to use
So simple that even your ma can use it.
It just works™
- Send articles to your Kindle in one click
- Article delivered within a minute
- Cross-platform: available on mobile, desktop, and web.
- KTool supports Wikipedia articles, Twitter threads, StackOverflow answers, Markdown, PDF, DOCX, Standard EBooks, newsletters and many more...
The most straightforward way to send online articles to your Kindle!

Best conversion quality
I believe that simplicity should not come at the expense of quality. KTool turns web articles into high quality e-books.
- Removes all ads and distractions
- Detects Table of Content automatically
- Preserves formats & styles
- Optimizes images for Kindle devices
- Supports emoji 🔥🔥🔥
I love the quality of KTool article conversion, much better that what I had built, which was better than other solutions!

Works with

Kindle native
KTool supports all Kindle's native features
- Notes & Hightlights
- Bookmarks
- Themes, Font & Layout
- Dictionary & Wikipedia
- Sync with Kindle mobile apps
- New: now with modern EPUB format
[...] It's the best 'To Kindle' conversion I have come across so far.

Smart & powerful
KTool integrates deeply with popular web services to bring you the best reading experience.
- Popular news sources, including content behind paywalls
- Wikipedia articles
- Twitter threads
- StackOverflow answers
- Hacker News discussions
- Markdown, DOCX, PDF
- Standard EBooks (
- Newsletters (beta)
- Coming soon: RSS, Reddit...
KTool is the easiest way to queue up articles and Twitter threads that I'm too busy to read during the day, to read on my Kindle before I go to sleep

Ready to become smarter every day?
Join 10K+ avid readers & start reading today
- 7-day free trial
- Browser Extensions, iOS, Android
- Start in under 2 minutes