Send online content to your Kindle
in one click
Easy to use
So simple that even your ma can use it.
It just works™
- Send articles to your Kindle in one click
- Article delivered within a minute
- Cross-platform: available on mobile, desktop, and web.
- KTool supports Wikipedia articles, Twitter threads, StackOverflow answers, Markdown, PDF, DOCX, Standard EBooks, newsletters and many more...
Best conversion quality
I believe that simplicity should not come at the expense of quality. KTool turns web articles into high quality e-books.
- Removes all ads and distractions
- Detects Table of Content automatically
- Preserves formats & styles
- Optimizes images for Kindle devices
- Supports emoji 🔥🔥🔥
Works with
Kindle native
KTool supports all Kindle's native features
- Notes & Hightlights
- Bookmarks
- Themes, Font & Layout
- Dictionary & Wikipedia
- Sync with Kindle mobile apps
- New: now with modern EPUB format
Smart & powerful
KTool integrates deeply with popular web services to bring you the best reading experience.
- Popular news sources, including content behind paywalls
- Wikipedia articles
- Twitter threads
- StackOverflow answers
- Hacker News discussions
- Markdown, DOCX, PDF
- Standard EBooks (
- Newsletters (beta)
- Coming soon: RSS, Reddit...
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